What A Quarter

What A Quarter

Friends Well, that was quite a first quarter 2020. If it’s ok with you, I’d like to just fast forward to 2021. Ok, I guess that isn’t going to happen, so we’ll just have to get through all of this on a day by day basis. Obviously, stocks were...

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Two In A Row

Two In A Row

Friends I was going to let you know how stocks soared for a second day in a row. For whatever reason, it’s just good to see stocks going up for a change, as it has been a difficult last few weeks. Well, stocks did go up some, but in...

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Huge Stock Gains

Huge Stock Gains

Friends Finally, Congress has delivered an impressive piece of legislation for the U.S. citizens, designed to bridge the gap until we can restart the country. Wait a minute, I’m getting word that nothing has emerged yet from the Congress?  Ok, there has been indications that they are close to...

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A Very Difficult Week Concludes

A Very Difficult Week Concludes

Friends It looked like stocks really wanted to go up today, but alas, it appeared that more liquidation was occurring, it was quadruple witching Friday, and basically investors were scared to buy much of anything heading into the weekend. As more and more forced shutdowns occur, the economic fallout...

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A Little Better

A Little Better

Friends Despite an early morning appearance on CNBC by famed Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio in which he brought a significant helping of gloom and doom, markets did seem to find a little footing today. Now, the volatility was still amazing, but there appeared to be buyers for dips...

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