Nasdaq Tumbles

Nasdaq Tumbles

Friends   Microsoft had good earnings after the close yesterday and the shares did well today. That’s where the good news ends. Google/Alphabet looked to have decent numbers at first glance yesterday but the fear that the behemoth is losing ground in the AI race sent the shares tumbling...

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New Day/Same Story

New Day/Same Story

Friends   New day, same story. Long term interest rates moved higher, and stocks moved lower. Yes, the bulls did try to generate a little rally in stocks this morning but ultimately, they could not generate enough fire power to stem the selling tide. Confusing signs continue to emanate...

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Yields Higher/Stocks Lower

Yields Higher/Stocks Lower

Friends   Well, that was ugly. Interest rates moved higher on the long end of the yield curve and stock prices moved lower. Though those companies who are reporting earnings so far seem to be beating analysts’ estimates, it appears that market conditions in general are creating a very...

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Slightly Higher CPI

Slightly Higher CPI

Friends   Bond yields moved higher after a little hotter than expected CPI report this morning, and as has been the case lately when rates rise stocks fall. Luckily for the bulls the decline was muted as there was a little buying later in the trading session.   For...

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